
Flowing out of love for Christ, we impact our community by giving ourselves to all surrounding us. We strive to lead as many people as possible into a joyful and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Vision (The Process of accomplishing the Mission)

Developing Spirit-Led Community

We believe in change. The definition of spiritual development is “measurable development in Christian character as a member of the body of Christ.” This relates to Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, heart-level or behaviour changes, and involvement in ministry.
We believe that, as a church, we should be doing things encouraging you to change in all those areas. This kind of change doesn’t happen through gaining knowledge only but by putting into action what you learn. Spirit-led is defined as “seeking for and depending on the power and direction of the Holy Spirit in everything that we do.” It has become part of our vision as a church to make sure that everyone is not only seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit but also being led by Him in their day-to-day lives, as is says in Galatians 5:25: “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Finally, It is part of our vision as a church to encourage and build community. There can be no development in discipleship while being led by the Holy Spirit without active and accountable relationships. Our definition of community is “Being effective in caring for people through regular contact.”

In order to accomplish this process, we encourage every person to:

  1. Join our “First Steps” class to learn what it means to follow Christ.
  2. Become part of a small group.
  3. Make the decision to be baptized.
  4. Join our next Partnership Seminar to become a member of the church.
  5. Come to  our Wednesday evening prayer meetings at 7 P.M.
  6. Join one of our Leadership Teams where you can learn and be involved.

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