How it all started...
Trinity Pentecostal Church humbly began in Verdun in 1927 and after years of growth, relocated to LaSalle in 1970. God's amazing blessings continued over the next 48 years and in October 2008, Trinity moved from its former building on Champlain Blvd. to our current facilities at 1050 Shevchenko Blvd. after renovating a former Nautilus Gym.

Expanding the vision...
Trinity is a very multi-cultural congregation with over 65 nations represented. Our diversity is what links us together. People come from all over the Greater Montreal Region and the size of the congregation, those who call this church their home, is over 700 people. We are known as a welcoming people, striving to impact our community in any way we can help. Serving others is of utmost importance and we take advantage of opportunities to give to people in need throughout the year.
Where we are now...

Trinity Pentecostal Church is an autonomous, self-supporting church.
We are affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) comprised of some 1,100 churches in Canada regrouping around 240,000 people.
Moving forward, our desire is to continue reaching the Greater Montreal Region .
We are affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) comprised of some 1,100 churches in Canada regrouping around 240,000 people.
Moving forward, our desire is to continue reaching the Greater Montreal Region .
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9am & 11am.