Volunteer opportunities at Trinity Pentecostal Church
We believe the church is where we receive from the Lord and our brothers and sisters. But also, the church is a place where we can give and support other people from within the church community and the brighter local community.
- Children's ministry
Our desire is to help children learn about God, grow in their faith and develop their character. We would love for you to join us in any of the following areas. You will find valuable and practical ways for your family to connect and grow.
- Evangelism and Outreach
The purpose of this group is to learn how to share faith in a secular world and be involved in the creation and running of events and projects which encourage evangelism.
- Family and Life
The purpose of this leadership group is to encourage and promote healthy family habits, to develop conferences on bringing up children, marriage relationships, and other topics to encourage and train our church and to provide support for those who need mentoring in family and life issues.
- Global Missions
The purpose of this leadership group is to encourage, train, and motivate the members of the group and our church to be involved in the areas of giving to global missions and projects, developing exciting Sunday themes related to missions projects and global workers, communicating with and prayer for Global workers.
- Social Media Team
If you are passionate about sharing the gospel and helping people, if you have experience in social media management, storytelling, design, content creation, or any other social media-related field, we need your help to improve our presence on the worldwide web.
- Men ministry
It is our goal to have men make a difference in the world. We believe God wants us to take our rightful place. By developing core values of prayer, bible study, and righteous living, men are called to impact their homes, jobs, and communities for Christ becoming true ambassadors for His Kingdom.
Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast
- Prayer and Prophecy
The purpose of this leadership group is to receive church-wide prayer requests and publicize them with our church and encourage them to intercede; follow up prayer requests so that they are up-to-date and so that the church knows when there is an answer to prayer; nurture a team of people who have a calling as intercessors and who are be available to pray with people during the week and before and after services.
- Serving and Compassion
The purpose of this leadership group is to encourage, train, and motivate the members of the group and our church to be involved in the areas of food distribution, immigrant welcomes, shut-in visits, hospital visits, welcome ministries, kitchen/café, photography, parking/security, building maintenance and others.
- Social Media Team
If you are passionate about sharing the gospel and helping people; if you have experience in social media management, storytelling, design, content creation, or any other social media related field, we need your help to improve our presence on the world wide web
- Worship
The purpose of this group is to develop a deeper culture and heart of worship in the life of the believer and the church.
- Women ministry
Women’s Ministries allows women to use their unique gifts and talents to serve, encourage and empower others. Women’s leadership and spiritual formation contribute to an inclusive and vibrant faith community, fostering growth and transformation for all.